Cognizant Netcentric’s coding and style rules for Stylelint

Clock icon January 10, 2022 Person icon by Ricard Torres

We have recently released a new open source project for all those frontend heroes out there 🎉

At Cognizant Netcentric we use Stylelint to ensure code quality amongst all projects when it comes to writing CSS, SASS, or PostCSS.

We have defined a set of rules as standards for all projects. Upon starting a new project the Tech Lead in charge of creating the frontend build will include this styling configuration. Hence, inheriting the Cognizant Netcentric code style guidelines. And now, so can you!

If you don’t know how, we’ve written a for you to get started.

Find any issues?

Pull requests are welcome! ❤️

Grab it

👉 Netcentric/stylelint-config

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